
#02 2022

SAEON in the media

Arid Lands Node

An article titled Drought effects on vegetation in the southern Succulent Karoo published in SAEON eNews in December 2021, was republished on page 36 of the SmartAgri Barometer Edition #4, 2021/2022.

Egagasini Node

An article on the new SeaMap project that first appeared in SAEON eNews in February 2022, Mapping marine biodiversity to detect change and support South Africa’s ocean economy, was republished on the website of the Foundational Biodiversity Information Programme (FBIP).

Fynbos Node

SAEON was involved in a publication with Princeton University that came to some ground-breaking conclusions about how fynbos might keep out competing vegetation types by starving them. For more information, read an article on the study published on the Princeton University website in February here. Former SAEON Fynbos Node staff members Dr Nicky Allsopp and Dr Jasper Slingsby were involved in site selection and discussions about fynbos ecology. Fynbos Node technician Abri de Buys assisted Mingzhen Lu, lead author of the study, in the field and provided data loggers to monitor environmental conditions.

Nuwe werkgroep takel kwessie van sprinkane en weiveld (New working group tackles problem of locusts and pasture), published on Landbou.com (Agriculture.com) on May 6, mentions that the Agricultural Research Council has invited experts from various universities and research organisations, including SAEON, to join a new working group to address South Africa’s complex locust problem.