
#04 2024

International dialogue highlights the growth of ocean accounting

By Nicole du Plessis, Science Officer, Egagasini Node, NRF-SAEON

Ocean accounting aims to develop methods for organising data related to the ocean so that we can describe the complex environmental, social and economic interlinked systems. The objective is to use the accounts to inform management decisions.

NRF-SAEON, through the Egagasini Node, has been involved in a National Research Foundation (NRF) community of practice to test, develop and describe various components of the Oceans Accounting Framework. It is also a member of the Global Ocean Accounting Partnership (GOAP).

Global Dialogue on Sustainable Ocean Development 

Professor Juliet Hermes and Ms Nicole du Plessis of the Egagasini Node attended the 5th GOAP Global Dialogue held in Bali, Indonesia in July. The Dialogue brought together over 400 participants from all levels of society to discuss their activities and interests in ocean accounts.

NRF-SAEON hosted two side events during the Dialogue. The first, on “Illuminating the Data Pathways in GOOS and the Ocean Community”, was co-hosted with NOAA and GOOS and facilitated by Prof Hermes. The side event focused on discussing various aspects of potential collaborative efforts between the ocean-observing community and Ocean Accounts to enhance global and regional understanding of the importance of ocean observing through determining the current state of investment.

The second side event on “Looking Seaward: Leveraging African Oceans for Sustainable Development within the Ocean Decade”, was facilitated by Ms du Plessis. This event provided a platform to discuss the unique challenges, opportunities and initiatives within the African maritime space and how they contribute to the broader narrative of sustainable ocean development, as well as synergies with the Ocean Accounts Framework.

Both events were well attended and well received by participants.

South African and African engagement at the Dialogue 

South Africa was well represented at the Dialogue, with participation of members of the NRF Oceans Accounting Framework community of practice. There were several engagements organised by the African Ocean Accounts community of practice within the GOAP. This saw several sessions dedicated to developing a vision document for Africa, the “GOAP African Vision Strategy for Ocean Accounting towards Sustainable Ocean Development (2024-2026)”.

The Dialogue highlighted the need for all ocean partners to work together in developing tools and pathways for sustainable ocean development.

Panel discussion participants during the Looking Seaward session.

Invitation to the “Looking Seaward” session.

The first two days of the Dialogue consisted of a training workshop related to ocean accounts. SAEON’s Professor Juliet Hermes attended a workshop on Policy Analysis with Ocean Accounts.

Mr Januar Arifin, BMKG, Indonesia, addressing delegates during the Illuminating Data Pathways session.